Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Brave New World

It would appear that our Legislature is poised to pass a bill directing some (amount: TBD) taxpayer money to the latest version of corporate scientific welfare known as Stem-Cell research, including a rather controversial proposal to allow stem-cells to be harvested from cloned embryos. It should be noted that cloning is a process so beyond the mainstream that even the United Nations has moved to urge it be banned. I suppose our Legislature knows best.

Certainly, more than a few companies are anxious for the chance to fatten themselves from the largesse of the Massachusetts taxpayers - ethics be damned.

As to the efficacy of embryonic stem cell research, well here's one point of view, and another along the same lines. While several companies tout that they are "developing cures" for any number of maladies, and at least one doctor has bemoaned the "missed opportunities" due to the Bush "ban" on such research, the fact still remains that embryonic stem cell research has yet to produce a single, unqualified therapeutic success in human beings. Not one. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

Governor Mitt Romney has indicated he would veto any bill that includes cloning. Obviously, some Boston Globe readers think Romney is just being a jerk about this - I suppose we're all entitled to our opinions.

There is little doubt that the Legislature will be able to muster the votes to override Romney's veto.

The sad fact is that the overwhelming majority of these dim-bulbs probably have absolutely no idea what they are voting for.

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