Thursday, March 10, 2005


Dog Bites Man, Again

Massachusetts Attorney General and presumptive Democrat 2006 gubernatorial nominee Tom Reilly has come out in opposition to Governor Mitt Romney's plan to make good on a pledge Massachusetts taxpayers got from their elected officials some 16-years ago - that the increase in the state income tax from the historic 5% level was only "temporary".

Shocking, no?

But then again, as Democrats in the legislature seem to be having a problem paying their own tax bills, I suppose the rest of us not fortunate enough the be in the Majority caucus have to pick up the slack.

Money quote from the AG: "We have difficult financial challenges ahead of us over the foreseeable future, over the next few years, and right now we cannot afford to be rolling back taxes.''

I wonder if those "difficult financial challenges" will stop the Democrat nominee from proposing a whole host of new programs that expand the reach, and cost, of the Commonwealth in our lives.

You can all stop guffawing now, thank you.

So just as an example, we cannot possibly merge the Mass Pike authority with the Mass Highway department - they can share a bathroom, but they apparently cannot share a secretary. And we suckers who pay for this largesse must continue to pay higher rates, according The Man who would be Governor, because that would be "short-changing the future'' of the Commonwealth.

Of course, the fat-cats at the badly-named Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation (Orwellian, don't you think?) were more than happy to give the AG a platform from which he could promise to keep the spicket of other people's money wide-open.

Once again, the taxpayers of Massachusetts come last in the eyes of the Democrats.

Dog Bites Man... again.

Re: The Mass Tax Assoc:

When she was penning Atlas Shrugged, someone should have given Ayn Rand the idea of including the "Massachusetts Taxpayers Association" along with the other state run boards of regulation.
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