Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Global what?

I consider myself an environmentalist. I believe that "Conservation is Conservative" - the motto of Republicans for Environmental Protection, of which I am a proud (and new) member. I'm going shopping for a hybrid car to replace my gas-guzzling 1999 Ford POS.

That said, while I write the Boston-area is being hit with about the 38th serious snow storm this winter after enduring one of the mildest summers in generations. Could someone explain to me how this all ties-in to global warming? Please? Could ya?

Here's what I gather is the Dirt First!/EDF position on Global Warming:

- when it's hot in summer, that's global warming
- when it's mild in summer, that's global warming
- when it's freeze-your-face-off-cold in winter, that's global warming
- when it's mild in winter, that's global warming
- when it rains or snows a ton, that's global warming
- when it hardly ever rains or snows, that's global warming
- calm weather is caused by global warming
- severe weather is caused by global warming

It must be some theory - it literally encompasses every weather event know to man and even some known only to fish.

Look, no one likes dirty air and mucky water. I've long thought that if enviros could drop their over-the-top, marxist, anti-capitalist, 'everyone-should-poop-in-a-hole-and-wash-their-clothes-in-a-bucket' rhetoric, our environmental policy would be substantially more like the Sierra Club wants.

Makes me think most of these folks are really what I like to call "Watermelons" (Green on the outside, but Red - as in commie-pinko - on the inside).


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