Friday, March 03, 2006



That was precisely my reaction after pouring though the initial release of the Christy Mihos for Governor web site. Perhaps it will improve with time, but frankly, there just isn't a whole lot of there there.

OK, we start with the About Christy page, which is a fine autobiography. The longest paragraph therein is devoted to his experience with the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority:
In 1998, Christy was appointed to the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority, where he served as Vice Chairman and Director. At the Turnpike, Christy fought for the citizens of the Commonwealth and against unnecessary toll increases, special interests and Big Dig fraud, waste, and corruption. Despite opposition from special interests and the Acting Governor, Christy refused to back down. Christy's actions protecting the citizenry were vindicated by a landmark decision of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court.

Here's a thought, Mr. Mihos - we all know the story and no one likes a sore winner. You were right, Swift was wrong, move on.

We then proceed on to Mihos Making News, which seems to focus heavily (not less than 4 stories at the moment) on the single event of his bolting the GOP to run as an independent for Governor. Yawn, again.

We then proceed down the page a bit to where Mr. Mihos explains why he's running for governor - what are his issues - and why he had to bolt the GOP. And for this, the sum total amounts to precisely 2-issues:
  1. Proposition 1 (not a bad idea, dead on arrival, see my entry below titled "Uh-oh!")
  2. Why Pay Pike Tolls? (again with the tolls!)
For this, Mr. Mihos felt compelled to bolt the GOP and run a sure-fire losing campaign for governor of the Commonwealth.

I hate to say this, but this very much looks like a vanity campaign.

Disappointing. Very disappointing.

As an aside, perhaps the only campaign web site that is lamer than Mr. Mihos' belongs to the Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth. Double-yawn.

Vanity is right. Vanity and PAYBACK. "They're all against me." "If you won't play by my rules, I'll take my ball and start my own game."

Christy is a temperamental, short-fused bomb-thrower, and he's empty inside (politically).

Why do we need one more pro-choice, pro-gay marriage candidate in this race. Might as well pick a name out of a hat.
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